Group B: Preventing Conflict members are invited to comment on the group’s discussion paper. The discussion paper contains an initial list of key inter-related issues, some examples of best practices and the first ideas for possible policy recommendations. These general discussion papers will soon be replaced with more detailed draft Working Group reports.
To read the discussion paper, either follow the link Group B: Preventing Conflict Discussion Paper or go to the 'Working Group Documents' section on the right side bar of this blog
If you would like to comment on the group's discussion paper, click below: comments.
To read the discussion paper, either follow the link Group B: Preventing Conflict Discussion Paper or go to the 'Working Group Documents' section on the right side bar of this blog
If you would like to comment on the group's discussion paper, click below: comments.
At 3:41 pm,
Michael Ryan said…
Excellent work Johannah! I just have a couple of comments at this stage:
Mathilde has a good point, I think, in that recommendations should be (to the extent possible) non-repetitive of others except to note where our ideas reinforce or where our ideas, integrated with those of others, would help to synergize the process. Also, I very much like Mathilde's approach of breaking the recommendations down into actionable prescriptions that can in turn be assigned to designated individuals. This is a great way to implement our holistic approach to moving forward.
Next, I think that Ron's contextual explanation of the dynamic relationship between environment, security and development provides a filter through which we can assess (and/or organize) the myriad recommendations in this section. First, the valued added of this approach is to highlight the inter-relationships between the three points of Ron's triangle because it's in the seam between these three stove-piped areas that things fall through the cracks and we waste resources (either through duplication, ignorance or lack of coordination). So, those recommendations that help to connect any two of the three or better yet, all three) should be the most prominent in the report. The recommendations in individual areas could then be folded under those in order to provide specific ways in which we can positively influence the dynamic.
And finally, on greening military efforts, the US and EU member states ministries of defense participate together in an environmental grouping called "DEFNET" which has as one of its priorities increasing awareness of the environmental implications of military training and operations and also the importance of safeguarding the environment during operations in order to less the post-conflict challenges once the operations are complete. I can provide you specific verbiage in this area if you'd like to include it.
Once again, excellent effort. Thanks for letting me comment.
Michael Ryan
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