Greening Foreign and Security Policy (GFSP): The Role of Europe

Organised by the Global Legistators Organisation for a Balance Environment (GLOBE-EU) and the Institute for Environmental Security (IES) to promote the better integration of environment, development and security policies in Europe and internationally.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Final Report of the GFSP Working Groups

The Joint Report of the Working Groups on Greening Foreign and Security Policy was finalised in March 2007 taking into account the results of the December 2006 GFSP Conference in Brussels and other inputs from the participants in the groups.

Click here to download the Joint Report of the GFSP Working Groups.

Click here to download the Final Report of the GFSP Conference.

The two documents should be combined into a final single publication in September 2007.

If you wish to comment on either document, click below: comments.